Scientia AR
Role: UX designer, AR development
Tools: Figma, Unity
Challenge: Develop an e-Learning application
Problem: How can you “game-ify” the e-Learning process in order to make it more fun for younger learners, but engaging enough to hold the interest of older ones?
Our approach: To build an Augmented Reality(AR) application that lets you collect “artefacts” and store them in your own virtual gallery that occupies a physical space.
This was a group project, during which I worked on the UX/UI of the prototype and final app, as well as the unity app. We developed this app at George Brown College in 2021.
For research we collected precedents on existing e-Learning and augmented reality applications in order to discern what users are looking for in these. We concluded that users wanted to discover areas around them and that e-Learning could be turned into a game through the use of achievements and awards for users to win while playing. We also drew inspiration from the “scavenger hunt” aspect to Pokemon Go, where users find and keep the 3D model once found.
Persona & Journey map:
Our persona is a mother who will be taking her kids to the Royal Ontario Museum and plans to use the app in order to improve the experience of learning for her kids. She wants to cultivate creativity and critical thinking skills with her children and hopes they will be engaged while they look at exhibits.
The journey map outlines our Wendy’s journey as she navigates the exhibit while using our app. She begins the trip worried that her kids will be on their phones, but sees that there is an educational app offered by the ROM. After downloading ScientiaAR, her kids participate in a scavenger hunt which provides details about the exhibits the items are from, eventually leaving with digital souvenirs of the experience.